by Cara O'Neill | Dec 9, 2020 | Independent Meeting Planners, Meeting Planning, On-Site Management, Small Business, Virtual Meetings
To say 2020 has wreaked havoc on the live meetings and events industry is an understatement. With this thought in mind, and to better understand how COVID-19 has impacted us, we recently conducted a survey to poll our client base and national network of industry...
by Caroline Jameson | Dec 1, 2020 | Guest Bloggers, Small Business
The narrative surrounding small business throughout 2020 has been one about struggle. This makes perfect sense, given the harsh impact that COVID-19 and the economic recession have had on small businesses both in the U.S. and throughout the rest of the world. In many...
by Cara O'Neill | Nov 17, 2020 | Meeting Planning, Small Business, Virtual Meetings
How we currently conduct business has changed quite a bit due to the pandemic. In our efforts to adhere to social distancing guidelines, the term “virtual” has become our industry’s battle cry. Virtual meetings are produced by way of video and teleconferencing...
by Terry Matthews-Lombardo | Nov 11, 2020 | Guest Bloggers, Independent Meeting Planners, Meeting Planning, Small Business
Are we really having this discussion? Yes, based on how 2020 has been progressing thus far, apparently we are. Let’s face it, we’re all in some level of shock and awe over the daily/hourly/moment-to-moment announcements coming out of everywhere so best if we share...
by Paul Cunningham | Jan 21, 2020 | Meeting Planning, On-Site Management, Small Business
Are Temporary Event Staff Always Readily Available? In a recent survey of meeting planners, over 58% of respondents claimed they were concerned with the availability of On-Site Professionals (OSPs) as event dates drew closer. That, however, means almost 42% were not...
by Mary Windham | Oct 30, 2019 | Guest Bloggers, Independent Meeting Planners, Meeting Planning, On-Site Management, Small Business, Virtual Meetings
Event Managers must rely on a great team to successfully execute their events, sometimes across time zones and countries. Moreover, client expenses can often be reduced by hiring local staff and third-party vendors. Yet these scattered teams only succeed if the leader...